Do you any any forever projects? I have a couple. I have one that my Great Grandma Tevaite started long long ago. I guess it isn’t my project yet because I only possess it, I haven’t started working on it yet.
My other forever project is my hexagon quilt. I started making 1” hexagons back in December of 2012 while my husband was on his second deployment. I needed something to keep me occupied at night and it was a good handwork project for long car rides.
This past summer I finally finished prepping all of the hexagons (I hope, I haven’t really done the math to see if I’m really done or not). After I had a kitchen injury and couldn’t do much with my left hand, I decided it was time to bust out my forever project again.

I currently have 145 flowers pieced together. I guess it’s really 145.5 since that one on the table is half done. I still have half the purple prints, all of my gray prints to make; then I have to decide if I’m going to make any solid flowers. Once I finish all the prints, I will lay it out and take pictures and hopefully you all can help me decide what to do.
Do you have any forever projects?