Happy New Year

I haven’t been around much lately – I’m sorry. My hubby has been on leave from the Army the past two weeks and when he is home I liked to stay as plugged into my family as possible. In fact, he doesn’t actually go back to work until tomorrow. Would you believe that this means I haven’t so much as touched my sewing machine in 17 whole days!!! Also, we have been traveling – we went to the San Francisco Bay Area for Christmas and spent a few days in Lake Tahoe too.

I posted on Friday the projects that I finished in 2011 and I posted some goals. This week I am getting right to work.

Here are a few of the things I will be working on in the coming months from across the blogosphere:

Starting today – It’s Sew Kiki’s About Town Bag

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Starting this week – SewHappyGeek’s Sew. Happy. Quilt QAL

SewHappyGeekI am especially excited about this one for 2 reasons: 1 – all kinds of new skills, I mean a Dresden Plate block?!? I have been dieing to learn how to make one and Jenna is going to teach me how!  2 – I am doing one of the tutorials – Block 6 – look for it on January 24th over on SewHappyGeek. I can’t tell you how tickled I was when Jenna asked me!

Also starting this week, yesterday actually – SewCalGal’s Free Motion Quilt Challenge

There are so many great projects going on around the quilting blogosphere this year that I couldn’t help but jump on the band wagon for a few, but I don’t want you to think that I am not working on anything of my own…because I have been very busy playing with EQ7 while on vacation!

I have two different patterns in the works right now, both of which I am hoping to sell, but I will be needing a couple of pattern testers – so if you are at all interested – please please please let me know!  I am also working on a baby quilt for my sister-in-law (she doesn’t read this blog so I can actually post about it when I get closer to done!), a quilt for my niece and a few other projects!  Get ready for it people 2012 has STARTED!

NOTE: Don’t forget, I am one of the bloggers who is going to lose Google Friend Connect in March 2012, please take a moment and follow me via Bloglovin’, Facebook, RSS or networked blogs.  You are important to me and I want to be able to stay in contact with you!  Check my side bar for all the best ways to stay in touch after GFC goes bye bye!


About Melissa Dunworth

This entry was posted in EQ7, free motion quilting, it's sew kiki, quilt along, Quilt Patterns, SewHappyGeek. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Happy New Year

  1. Barb Hauck says:

    Sounds interesting to test a pattern for you. I’m new on following your blog so I’m not familiar with your patterns but I’d love to give it a try. I’ve been quilting for about 15 years and I would consider myself “quite competent intermediate” in skill level. Actually, I’m a lazy quilter–I can do the more intricate blocks but I don’t like to spend the time it takes to do them (lol) so I stick with the tried and true. I think it’s time to step out of that particular box! Anyway, let me know if I can help out with testing your patterns. And BTW, Happy New Year!

  2. Lyanna L. says:

    I’d love to be a pattern tester for you!!

  3. Lisa L. says:

    You know that you can count me in as a pattern tester!! 🙂 I love all of your stuff. I wish that I could do Jenna’s QAL. If only I had time. But right now I have to devote my time to family and school! Hopefully I can do the “About Town” bag though. 🙂

  4. Karen O says:

    I Melissa, I just sent you and email about the pattern testing thing. Would love to do it! I am going to do the quilt a long at Sew Happy Geek also. I need to build my skills. Happy New Year!

  5. Flying Blind says:

    Lots of fun in your future!

  6. Margaret says:

    I would love to be a pattern tester for you. I tend to struggle over some patterns and am very conscious about following them. If your patterns are well written which I believe they are then it should be fairly easy to follow. I am fairly new to sewing and quilting so I would be a good newbie for you to they them out on.

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