A Lovely Year of Finishes – June Goal Setting Party

Well now how do you like that! June just snuck right up on me! I thought for sure, based on the weather here in beautiful Olympia, WA, that it was still February!  We had such low temperatures last week that my 2 basil plants got FROST damage!  Here’s hoping for a warmer month this month!

It is now time to set our goals. I have have an adorable quilt that I would like to get quilted up and a pattern written for! You might recognize the design, but this is a much larger scale. I will be writing the pattern for a baby/lap quilt size and also for a king size. The king size will consist of 4 blocks total, let me tell you, it looks super cool all mocked up!

Your turn! Shanna and I are excited to see what you have planned for the month of June!

As always, we have some amazing prizes offered by our fantastic sponsors, please make sure you take the time to visit each one and give them a little love. This challenge wouldn’t be near as much fun without them!

Remember, to be eligible for prizes you must link up to the party and the end of month party showing off your finish. We have a mid-month party too but it is not required, more for fun and cheering each other on!

June Prizes Include:

 1. Choice of $15 or 2 charm packs from Stitch n’ Giggles

2. Loving Pieces donated from Paper Pieces

3. $20.00 Gift Certificate from the Quilting Lodge

4. A Fat Quarter Bundle from Moda United Notions

5. $15.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop

6. $25.00 Gift Certificate to Superior Threads

About Melissa Dunworth

This entry was posted in A Lovely Year of Finishes, Fiber of All Sorts, Sew BitterSweet Designs Patterns. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to A Lovely Year of Finishes – June Goal Setting Party

  1. I linked up in January, and didn’t finish! . I have posted a picture of that link up as well as the one for this Party!

    I started this quilt in 2002. It is an Alice Wilhoit pattern () called “Remember When”I have everything done, except two borders! Its time to finish this quilt!

  2. Katy says:

    Good luck with yours 🙂 I’ll link up later when my post goes live

  3. Beth T. says:

    Oh dear. I am going to change my June finish, from Mavis’s quilt to Mary’s. Pretty much the same project–size-wise, status-wise–but Mary’s is needed first. So I’ll update my flickr post. I couldn’t figure out how to delete my original linky and enter another, but I hope this will suffice.

  4. Patti says:

    Oh shoot! I didn’t have a chance to link up before the party was over. I’m still going to pretend I did so I’ll be inspired to finish this month. Here is my entry:


    Patti in Vancouver WA

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