2015~ A Lovely Year of Finishes
Question & Answers
Q. What is A Lovely Year of Finishes?
A. This is an an idea from Melissa from Sew BitterSweet Designs and Shanna from Fiber of All Sorts. We want support to get more finishes under our belts! This is just a way to be encouraged to do this – one finish at a time.
This is a quilting/sewing related link-up. Please look at our pages and see what kind of projects we are working on. This isn’t for a college thesis, photography, or cupcake finish-up.
Q. What is a UFO?
A. UnFinished Object (UFO), Works in Progress (WIP), or some people call them anonymous pile of quilt blocks (completed or not) – all these describe projects that you have been working on but can’t seem to finish.
Q. How am I entered into the monthly prizes?
A. You are required to link-up twice in one month. At the beginning of the month show us the project you want to finish, at the end of the month show us the finished item.
Q. How many items can I enter per month?
A. One please! We’re trying to keep it simple. If you are super ambitious go right ahead but just choose one project to start and finish for this group. Make sure to designate that one goal if writing a goal post that includes multiple goals for the month. If we can’t figure out which one is for A Lovely Year of Finishes, you may not be eligible to win a prize!
Q. How am I able to enter into the big finale?
A. To enter into the big finale you will need to have successfully completed a minimum of 6 months.
Q. Do I need to link-up every month?
A. Not at all. You choose what months you want to participate. To be entered into the finale, you need only complete 6 months successfully!
Q. What should I choose as a project?
A. Choose something that you are comfortable with but maybe stretch a little beyond your comfort level. This can be placemats, sewing machine cover, quilt top, finished all the machine (or hand) quilting, a complete finished quilt, your swap projects, or a project of your choosing.
Q. What qualifies as a finish?
A. This is up to you. Remember you know your schedule and you know your stash. If you want to choose to have a quilt finished, choose that. If you want to get a quilt-top finished – whoohooo.
If you don’t have all the fabric for a project and you have to order it, maybe it isn’t the best project to choose to finish in one month.
Q. Do I need to start a project for every month?
A. Oh my – noooo way! Your project can be at any status of completion.
Q. How do I add a link into the linky spot?
A. Here is a tutorial on how to do that! (We have an updated tutorial on how to share a photo using the new flickr too! Updated July 2013)
Q. Do I need to enter on both Sew BitterSweet Designs and Fiber of All Sorts?
A. No, we’re so nice we are sharing the same link.
Q. How do I add your button to my blog?
A. See Melissa’s post for WordPress and Shanna’s for Blogger.
Q. How do I add your button to my blog post?
A. See Melissa’s post for WordPress and Shanna’s for Blogger.
Q. Do I have to add your button for each link-up?
A. Please do for people to be able to spread the love.
Q. I don’t have a blog, what can I do?
A. Don’t have a blog, not a problem. We also have a flickr group found here. Being a flickr member is free. To enter into one month, you would need a take a before and after photo. Make sure to add a description include: Month it is for, status of project, and make sure you state it is for A Lovely Year of Finishes!
Q. I didn’t finish my project. . what do I do now?
A. While you are not able to enter into the end of the month link-up, keep it up! It’s one finish at a time! Try again – eventually it will get done.
Q. Can I win a prize every month of the year?
A. We’ve decided, as of March 2013, that for the monthly link-up’s that you can win once for the monthly prizes. But this being said, any eligible participates can win prizes for the Final 2015 link-up.
Q. I won a monthly prize, why should I continue to participate?
A. We love seeing your finishes and we’ll open up the Final 2015 link-up at the end of the year. And you need to participate in a minimum amount (6) of the monthly link-up’s to participate in that.
Q. How many finishes must I have for the Final 2015 link-up?
A. We’re requesting that you enter into a minimum of 6 monthly link-up’s throughout the year to be eligible to enter the Final 2015 link-up aka “grand finale”. In your link up you’ll need to verify with links to your blogposts or photos in the description with active links.
Q. Can international people participate?
A. Yes, yes, and yes. If our sponsors have mailed us the prizes, we mail them out and just request some assistance with shipping. If you are unable to obtain your winnings – please contact us! We have other prizes that can be substituted.
Q. Is there a different drawing for those that completed all their goals?
A. Yes, this will be the final link-up to be held January 1-7, 2016 We’ve set the minimum number of projects to 6 completed projects to enter into this “extra” drawing.
Q. I have a quilty shop and would love to be part of the sponsors, who do I contact?
A. Please email either Melissa (melissa {at} sewbittersweetdesigns {dot} com) or Shanna (fiberofallsorts {at} gmail {dot} com)
Have more questions? Email Melissa or Shanna and we’ll update this page along the way.
Hey Melissa,
I just linked up on your blog. I know we don’t have to link up on both blogs but do you want us to link up on at least blog and Flickr or is one blog enough?
i am shooting to participate in all 7 months from the time i found you girls in june so i can be in the finale (: but i already realize that my june goal setting photo is gone from flickr…so for the finale will we be able to redo our links so we don’t have to worry about losing flickr photos along the way? thx (:
I was wondering if cross stitching would meet the “sewing” eligibility criteria for entering ALYOF? Thanks!